Yachting Crew Salary Guidelines and Position Descriptions

The salary guidelines are utilized by an array of industry professionals worldwide as a reliable benchmark for yacht crew salaries. This active data is taken from the thousands of live crew profiles who are placed on yachts by Luxury Yacht Group every year. New members joining the industry turn to the websites ‘Department Descriptions’ to learn the essentials before taking the plunge.
For years Luxury Yacht Group has established themselves as the busiest, most reputable crew agency in the yachting industry. Founder and President Rupert Connor launched the company in 2001 with that exact goal in mind. Over the past decade and a half, the agency has grown in major proportions with offices located across the globe, and expansions into the yacht operations, charter and sales divisions.
The recently launched ‘Yacht Department Directory’ allows you to read about each individual department, and browse through the positions within. Each department is responsible for a unique set of tasks onboard, and is suited for individuals with specific skillsets and experience. The salary guides show a range of pay according to position.
Within each profession there is a detailed break-down of the job and its’ corresponding salary range. These pages are incredibly beneficial to owners and crew, as well as candidates joining the industry. They explain in depth what role each person plays onboard, their specific duties, and the required skills. They also advise which characteristics could be ‘salary modifiers’. In the case of captain as example, a skillset that would modify the salary in a positive way would be speaking multiple languages, but limited experience in the intended cruising area (specific to that job) could result in a decrease of monthly pay. Luxury Yacht Group has meticulously thought about all the factors and attributes that come into play.
The information under each department is also highly beneficial to any crew member looking to further their career on yachts. It clearly lays out the necessary career path for each profession, and goes into detail about how many years’ experience is needed, or what licenses are required to progress. For example, a bosun trying to advance to an officer position will typically have at least three years’ experience, and will have to get the required Officer of the Watch license at a minimum. Holders of an OOW are capable of leading navigational watches with confidence, and the captain will rely on these candidates to manage the deck team.
Another nifty feature inside these pages are the ‘Position Statistics’ which illustrate how many candidates the live data is actively pulling from. At the time of writing this article, statistics for the captain position stated: “Our data is calculated from 17,773 relevant work experience records out of 70,107 experiences in the deck department.” It also goes on to show the average longevity in this position is at 751 days, and that there are 491 candidates currently available as captains on Luxury Yacht Group’s books. This data is alive and will adjust regularly as crew filter in and out of jobs.
It’s tools like these that have given Luxury Yacht Group their edge over competitors. The agency continues to grow and refine the largest professional yacht crew database in the industry. The team has degrees in management, business, engineering, marketing and design. Many of their employees have come from a background in yachting and bring with them factual onboard yachting experiences, positioning Luxury Yacht Group as a well-rounded leader in their field.