How to Sell a Yacht

Selling your yacht is an important and emotional decision and you want to make sure that you are surrounded by the best team that has experience, diplomacy and competence. Our sales team are dedicated professionals that can draw upon an extensive database of anticipated buyers.
Marketing of the yacht is the most important focus in the selling process. By showcasing the yacht’s best features Luxury Yacht Group will design a comprehensive marketing package and employ an assortment of marketing initiatives to reach the potential buyers. Our services include: a featured yacht and online brochure on our website, multiple listings on industry websites, extensive advertising in industry and lifestyle magazines, press releases, open house events and boat shows. Additionally, through our database we match clientele interested in the specifics of your yacht and contact them.
In closing the deal the Luxury Yacht Group team is accomplished at negotiating and proficient with the finer details of the contract. We will happily assist any owner who wishes to sell his yacht.
Sales Articles

Miami International Boat Show 2016
The 2016 Miami International Boat Show has come to an end. Initial reports indicate the show was a success despite some kinks related to the venue change.
17 Feb 2016

Show chaos is over...was it worth while?
The 55th edition of the Fort Lauderdale show has been and gone with its usual hoopla and hype. The weather cooperated and conditions on the docks were the best that we've seen in years with no flooded tents or blown away banners.
05 Nov 2014

Boating vs Yachting
Yachting industry professionals know there is a significant difference between yachting and boating, and the differentiating factor is not as simple as the overall length. Both have their pros and cons of course and need to be recognized and respected for their differences.
31 Aug 2018

Follow These Seven Steps to Buy a Yacht
06 May 2016